U by Emaar


Scope of work:

Karak Creative was enlisted by Emaar to reposition, rebrand, and relaunch its loyalty programme, which had become indistinguishable in a crowded market despite its extensive benefits across Hotels, F&B, Entertainment, Retail, Spas, and Fitness.

Following a brand discovery workshop, Karak established the brand essence as "Your Way Every Day," emphasising personalisation and the numerous possibilities available to members. This essence was designed to resonate with both prospective and existing members.

The rebrand focused on the iconic five letters of Emaar, presented in both English and Arabic, to enhance brand recognition and cultural relevance. A ribbon was introduced as a graphic binding element, symbolising the connection between members and the diverse offerings of the programme.

This new positioning was crafted to speak clearly to both internal stakeholders and external audiences, ensuring a consistent and compelling message across all touchpoints.

To bring this refreshed brand to life, Karak conceptualised and launched a comprehensive campaign across social media, digital platforms, and outdoor spaces, ensuring the revitalised programme reached and engaged its audience effectively.

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